172 posts
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Embedded PC [2]
I plan to get a XP embedded thin client. How would i execute RR. Since it uses flash memory im not sure if i could "install" R...
11 year 10 2247
Avoid bottom border [6]
Yes that would definitely do the trick. Thanks...
12 year 10 3053
Embedded PC [11]
Just to update. It works with 8GB flash drive with XP. However the old VIA chipsets integrated graphics utilizes the cpu causing...
11 year 10 2247
Avoid bottom border [4]
I am working with the blob filter module. I cant crop the bottom portion of the image out as it may or may not be there (the blo...
12 year 10 3053
Avoid bottom border [11]
Great. Thanks...
12 year 10 3053
Embedded PC [10]
looks like i need to swap the flash drive with an IDE drive and run Win XP after all....
11 year 10 2247
Avoid bottom border [2]
Hi STeven, I want to apply a filter that avoids the bottom border only. Can this be done?...
12 year 10 3053
Avoid bottom border [9]
STeven Yes i downloaded v2.44.7 but i still dont see an option to remove the bottom border in the b...
12 year 10 3053
Embedded PC [9]
Yes you are right. Also does anyone have experience in installing a webcam on an XPe based system. It is not as straight forward...
11 year 10 2247
Nearest blob [11]
Hi STeven, Yes I downloaded it again and restart my PC. It is working perfectly now. Excellent. Tha...
10 year 11 2391
Nearest blob [9]
Hi Steven, Ok for example I want to find the blob closest to point x=139 and y=23
10 year 11 2391
Nearest blob [7]
Hi STeven, I just tested it. It does not seem to work. Nothing is displayed after the blob filter w...
10 year 11 2391
Nearest blob [5]
Steven, Maybe a new checkbox can be added in the blob filter module. The "Nearest" feature could ...
10 year 11 2391
Nearest blob [4]
STeven, As you can see the closest blob is the one above the one that was isolated in terms of peri...
10 year 11 2391
Nearest blob [2]
What i would like to do is to set a point and find the blob closest to that point based on that blobs closest perimeter point....
10 year 11 2391
Nearest blob
Is it possible to find the nearest blob based on blob perimeter instead of blob COG? ...
10 year 11 2391
Showing a specific blob [4]
Excellent. Thanks...
12 year 13 2198
speed data [14]
Yes it was a driver problem. Updated the driver. Its working now Thanks....
12 year 13 2540
Showing a specific blob [6]
I tried using the invert feature (blob filter module) to remove the unwanted blobs one by one  until only the wanted b...
12 year 13 2198
Showing a specific blob [11]
Hi STeven, The invert feature works with absolute values (cogX and cogY). But when i use values fro...
12 year 13 2198

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