172 posts
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points within a blob [3]
Yes definitely less then 256 blobs. I would say after applying the blob filter there would be less then 50 blobs....
9 year 5 2151
points within a blob
Hi Steven, I would like to check if 2 points, point A and point B are inside the same blob for exam...
9 year 5 2151
points within a blob [5]
Hi STeven, Great solution ;) Thanks...
9 year 5 2151
Bug in nearest y
Hi STeven, When i put a variable, it keeps resetting to zero. The file is just an example....
11 year 2 2824
Bug in sample color module [3]
STeven, That's perfect. I was just thinking of requesting this type of functionality. Thanks....
11 year 3 2898
Bug in sample color module
Hi STeven, There is a bug in the sample color module. Pls see the attached file. The confidence sho...
11 year 3 2898
Nearest blob to refference line
Hi STeven, As an alternative to the nearest blob to a reference point, is it possible to find the n...
11 year 3 2848
Nearest blob to refference line [3]
Hi STeven, Works great. Excellent job....
11 year 3 2848
Blob filtration based on logic
Hi STeven, Is it possible to filter blobs based on logic rather then priority? For example in the a...
11 year 3 2934
Blob filtration based on logic [3]
Hi STeven, Thanks for the explanation. Excellent....
11 year 3 2934
Bug in call module [2]
It seems this problem occurs whenever the call module is invoked within the if statement....
11 year 4 3076
Bug in call module
Hi STeven, Although the call module seems to work (the final expected result in the main pipeline),...
11 year 4 3076
Bug in call module [4]
OK great. Thanks....
11 year 4 3076
importing other robo files into the call module [3]
That's great. Thanks...
11 year 3 2065
importing other robo files into the call module
Hi Steven, It would be interesting if one could import another robo file into a new call tab. This ...
11 year 3 2065
Nearest blob [7]
Hi STeven, I just tested it. It does not seem to work. Nothing is displayed after the blob filter w...
11 year 11 2568
Nearest blob [5]
Steven, Maybe a new checkbox can be added in the blob filter module. The "Nearest" feature could ...
11 year 11 2568
Nearest blob [4]
STeven, As you can see the closest blob is the one above the one that was isolated in terms of peri...
11 year 11 2568
Nearest blob [2]
What i would like to do is to set a point and find the blob closest to that point based on that blobs closest perimeter point....
11 year 11 2568
Nearest blob
Is it possible to find the nearest blob based on blob perimeter instead of blob COG? ...
11 year 11 2568

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