172 posts
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Nearest blob [7]
Hi STeven, I just tested it. It does not seem to work. Nothing is displayed after the blob filter w...
11 year 11 2524
Nearest blob [5]
Steven, Maybe a new checkbox can be added in the blob filter module. The "Nearest" feature could ...
11 year 11 2524
Blob reduction [3]
STeven, Excellent. That's exactly what I needed....
11 year 3 2618
Blob reduction
Hi STeven In the image I attached, each blob is represented by at least 3 shades of grey (meaning t...
11 year 3 2618
creating a bounding box over a blob group
Hi STeven, Is there a way to place a bounding box over a group of blobs?...
11 year 3 2620
creating a bounding box over a blob group [3]
Yes that will work. Thanks...
11 year 3 2620
Bug in call module
Hi STeven, I think there is a bug in the call module. All the IF statements in the called tab gets ...
11 year 3 1723
Bug in call module [3]
OK great....
11 year 3 1723
Tracking an object using AVM [5]
Ok thanks. I got it to work as I wanted....
11 year 14 3900
Tracking an object using AVM [13]
I set the NV_WR_OBJ_RECT_X and NV_WR_OBJ_RECT_Y to a different value (100, 100) and it works (so my previous post that it is onl...
11 year 14 3900
Tracking an object using AVM [11]
Hi EDV, Ultimately i would like to implement 2 senario's Senario 1: a...
11 year 14 3900
Tracking an object using AVM [3]
Yes i intend to do the following; If NV_ARR_OBJ_IDX(0) = 0 and trigger=1 Then
11 year 14 3900
Tracking an object using AVM
Hi, I programmed RR to loop a video file (avi) and AVM to track an object. I set the variable NV_WR...
11 year 14 3900
Tracking an object using AVM [10]
Hi EDV, I have uploaded 2 programs. I found the issue is in line 14. The first program I get the la...
11 year 14 3900
Tracking an object using AVM [8]
Hi EDV, Do i set the NV_REMOVE_IDX to 0 to clear data? when i need it to learn a new object, do i g...
11 year 14 3900
Tracking an object using AVM [7]
Ok great....
11 year 14 3900
Tracking an object using AVM [14]
Hi EDV, I realize that actually my code was logically wrong. I was trying to use the previous posit...
11 year 14 3900
Clearing recognition data
Hi, I would be great if there was a feature to clear the recognition data of the avm.dat file inste...
11 year 2 2881
variable control feature
Hi STeven, I would like to suggest for the call module to have a variable control feature. For exam...
11 year 3 3025
variable control feature [3]
Hi STeven, Great idea. Thanks....
11 year 3 3025

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