87 posts
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Distributor client, transmitting variables [22]
STeven, It works like a charm. Now I just need to find some time to put into actually making the ro...
15 year 21 2562
Distributor client, transmitting variables [8]
Steven, you're right about the missing 'end_distributor_client' part. I didn't expect it to go missing.
15 year 21 2562
Distributor client, transmitting variables [20]
Hi Steven, Are you planning on adding the varibale selection feature to server/client modules?
15 year 21 2562
Distributor client, transmitting variables [6]
Hi Steven, Have you had a chance to look at the rr files I sent you? I am not sure, but the problem...
15 year 21 2562
Distributor client, transmitting variables [18]
Hi Steven, My client program uses the MOUSE_CLICK_X and MOUSE_CLICK_Y variables to calculate and se...
15 year 21 2562
Distributor client, transmitting variables [17]
Thanks a lot Steven. The third point was the crucial one. Have a great new years.
15 year 21 2562
Active RR Web Server [2]
Hey guys, I am running the active RR web server and viewing it using Firefox on ...
16 year 2 2662
Two cameras - crash the system
Hi, I'm using two cameras, but when I turn the RR program off, the entire computer restarts and go...
17 year 3 2696
Two cameras - crash the system [3]
STeven, Only when I am exiting the application (cross in the right top corner). The same problem oc...
17 year 3 2696
Lock-in style image processing
Hi, I am trying to do lock-in style image processing so to overcome variations in the background li...
17 year 4 2808
Lock-in style image processing [3]
Steven, I have managed to implement the lock-in technique. I am modulating an LED array through the...
17 year 4 2808
Blob selection with mouse
Hi, I would like to track a blob on the screen. But I would like to choose which of the blobs to tr...
17 year 4 2920
Blob selection with mouse [3]
That sounds exactly like what I was trying to do. I havent's checked it out yet, but it sounds great.
17 year 4 2920
ActiveX interface to RR [3]
Hi Steven, Yes, I have previously use ActiveX to control a number of applications through MATLAB, a...
15 year 7 2951
ActiveX interface to RR
Hi, Is there a way of using ActiveX control for RR? I've done it for a number of applications, but...
15 year 7 2951
ActiveX interface to RR [4]
I'm having a bit of trouble with the ActiveX control. I can't find the RR application ID or anything about RR and ActiveX. The...
15 year 7 2951
Timer values
I would like to know the time between the two event's (e.g. mouse clicks). Is there a feature like 'Timer' available from whe...
17 year 2 3103
Color in the lines [3]
I am trying to use GetImage() API function in C++ to extract RBG values at specific coordinates. The coordinates i can get using...
14 year 3 3320
Color in the lines [2]
Attached is the image of three lines. Each line has a slightly varying color. Is it possible for me to get some color informatio...
14 year 3 3320
Mouse module [5]
I have tried it. It almost does what I was after. I would like to use it as an odometer, detecting ...
15 year 5 3497

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