ActiveX interface to RR
from Australia  [87 posts]
17 year

Is there a way of using ActiveX control for RR? I've done it for a number of applications, but was wondering if there is a possibility of using ActiveX on RR.
Anonymous 17 year
Yes, the API has a COM object that can be loaded as an ActiveX control to control RR. We also have a dll Extension that can be used to extend RoboRealm. That's not ActiveX but is similar technology.

Is there a particular usage that you were looking for?

from Australia  [87 posts] 17 year
Hi Steven,

Yes, I have previously use ActiveX to control a number of applications through MATLAB, and think that this might be the easiest way to link up RR to it.

I'll have a look at it this weekend.

from Australia  [87 posts] 17 year
I'm having a bit of trouble with the ActiveX control. I can't find the RR application ID or anything about RR and ActiveX. Therefore, I can't link it with MATLAB with ActiveX.
Anonymous 17 year

Have you tried registering the COM object using:

regsvr32 RR_COM_API.dll

in the folder where the .dll file exists?

This will register the object and you should then be able to access the COM object using "RoboRealm.API.1" as the object name.

Anonymous 15 year
How do you actually do that? I mean the registration process. Do I need to edit the registry?where?
Anonymous 15 year
It is in the FAQ


You use the cmd or command console.

Click windows start button
Select Run
Type cd /roborealm/folder/
Type regsvr32 dll_name

That should do it. No editing of registry required.


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