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SV200 Module problem [2]
Steven, I am able to control the SV203 module from Pontech using the SERIAL RR modules and using sc... |
14 year | 3 | 3110 |
Robo Claw 2x24 motor controller [2]
I have a Sabertooth 2x24 and 2x50 motor drivers which work well with the Dimension Engineering/Sabertooth module. ... |
13 year | 1 | 2486 |
Purchasing Lifetime RR License (fee) [2]
STeven, As a RR license owner and fan, I am impressed with the product and outstanding support I'v... |
14 year | 2 | 2720 |
Panasonic BL-C10A Network Camera &RR [2]
Anyone sucessfull at interfacing the Panasonic BL-C10A Network camera to RR? Since the camera deliv... |
14 year | 5 | 2609 |
How to stop slideshow demo [2]
After staring RoboRealm, the camera view starts to cycle through a filter demo mode. Nothing is in the modules pane. I have unlo... |
14 year | 11 | 2708 |
GardenBot [2]
One of my many projects is a robot I call “The GardenBot”. I’m building this for my wife, Carol to work around the ya... |
13 year | 4 | 5679 |
Arduino module? [2]
Downloaded 2.24.0. Where is the Arduino module and what does it do? Thanks for such a great product and support! <... |
14 year | 8 | 4779 |
Question about older freeware version of RoboRealm [7]
Software developers and programmers are a dime-a-dozen. When an application comes along that deserves compensation, RoboRealm is... |
14 year | 8 | 6141 |
New Object Recognition Module [3]
STeven, How does this differ from the AVM module?... |
14 year | 5 | 4766 |
Android OS [5]
Steve, What a coincidence! With the proliferation of used and older PCs (Pentium 1.2Ghz +, Dual Cor... |
14 year | 5 | 4226 |
Underwater ROV serial communication and other questions [3]
Andrew, This may not be the best forum for your ROV questions. Roborealm is more for computer vision-based applica... |
12 year | 5 | 16730 |
Sonar Sensors [5]
To use an Arduino with RR, a standard protocol is required to communicate data packets specific to an Ultrasonic unit. Some comm... |
13 year | 4 | 2770 |
Underwater ROV serial communication and other questions [5]
Andrew, You are most welcome. Brushless motors are great for speed, but lack in touque unless adpted... |
12 year | 5 | 16730 |
Now AVM is working faster [3]
That is GREAT! Thanks for your hard work! I look forward to testing it. DM... |
12 year | 117 | 22573 |
GardenBot [5]
Steven, Thanks! I do have a pan/tilt on the camera. When the Pan is past the deadband... |
13 year | 4 | 5679 |
Arduino Motor Control [11]
I was able to program both ball and a bucket tracking system. Look at my youtube "Scruffman2001" and watch the "Ga... |
9 year | 12 | 3912 |
SV200 Module problem [4]
I am sending SV1M128<cr><lf> which works in Script. The SV200 module does not work. Is the SV200 modul... |
14 year | 3 | 3110 |
Arduino Mega + two Futaba Servos + RoboRealm = Pan/tilt object following. [6]
see if this is what your are attempting. I can send you the code. ... |
12 year | 9 | 4734 |
CS(cmputer vision) [3]
Actually, a Kalman Filter would be a GREAT addition to RoboRealm! I have a C version of the code that I use to stable out (filte... |
14 year | 5 | 2541 |
CS(cmputer vision) [5]
/** A simple kalman filter example by Adrian Boeing |
14 year | 5 | 2541 |
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