Purchasing Lifetime RR License (fee)
 [29 posts]
14 year

As a RR license owner and fan, I am impressed with the product and outstanding support I've observed in the forums. I am equally impressed with the consistent updates not only with newer functions, but requests for functions from other RR users/owners. The support is exceptional and customer service is above reproach. That said, I was wondering if you (or your stakeholders) would consider a “Life-Time” license fee for RR. My point being that I purchased RR four months ago and see that it is a well supported product without limits. I find that I am budgeting for an annual RR renewal fee (3 years) and would consider a Life-Time License fee.

Just a thought.

Thanks for such an educational and well supported tool.

A RR fan forever,


P.S. any thoughts from others?
Anonymous 14 year

Thanks for the feedback! We are truly honored by your words and appreciate the suggestion. We've actually not thought much about a Life-Time Update License but will give that some thought as we are just starting to have multi-year users and this would be a nice option to have. Thanks for your suggestion, we'll have to think more about what we can offer in this regard.


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