29 posts
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Ping Ultrasonic Sensor / Arduino / Serial [2]
I'm trying to get the Ping Ultrasonic Sensor by Parallax to work with my Arduino Uno and Roborealm but I can't figure out how ...
13 year 5 6395
wifi signal variable [4]
I am using a laptop mounted on the robot running the RR webserver.   Thanks, -grindel...
13 year 4 1924
wifi signal variable [2]
Please give me a wifi signal variable so that I can have my robot stop when it loses wifi.  Or else is there a way to ...
13 year 4 1924
Wiimote [4]
So I did a bit of detective work and figured this one out... You can learn how to interface a wiimo...
12 year 3 2184
Wiimote [3]
I was also thinking about using a wiimote with my robot...  what I want mostly is the nunchuk to work as well.
12 year 3 2184
Communicating from roborealm to arduino [3]
Ok, so the trick with having roborealm communicate to the arduino is by sending a variable [ArduinoCommand] from the vbscript mo...
12 year 3 3726
changing values on a webpage [4]
That works great, exactly what I needed.  Thanks...
14 year 3 1866
changing values on a webpage [2]
So I'm trying to get my parallax servo controller card to interface with a webpage. I can get the webpage to chan...
14 year 3 1866
Gear Head Webcam WC755IPT Support in Roborealm [2]
So I have a couple Gear Head 1.3 Megapixel Webam Motions Model #: WC755IPT that have built in pan and tilt servos.  Th...
13 year 2 4426

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