fabrice2006 from France  [11 posts]
13 year
Hello , is it possible to use a wiimote with Roborealm with a bluetooth adaptator? If yes , can somebody explain how to do that?

Thanks a lot.

spacehermit from United States  [28 posts] 13 year
I was also thinking about using a wiimote with my robot...  what I want mostly is the nunchuk to work as well.

spacehermit from United States  [28 posts] 13 year
So I did a bit of detective work and figured this one out...

You can learn how to interface a wiimote with windows through a bluetooth connection at this instructables page


The problem is that even with Bluesoleil (not free*) and WiinRemote (free) you'll end up with bad precision from the nunchuk analog stick... a value of -4 to 4 on each axis... which wasn't good enough for my project.  But try it for yourself.  You won't have the motion sensing, infrared camera, or vibration, (inside Roborealm) but you can at least hit buttons and stuff.

What I ended up doing is purchasing an Xbox 360 wireless PC Gamepad that has much more Analog Stick precision since microsoft wrote the drivers etc.

*Do a search for an earlier Bluesoleil version 6 and that will give you a 2mb transfer limit but enough for testing.

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