186 posts
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Why roborealm not processing one row of pixels of image? [2]
Aman, The pipeline will terminate if it sees the image size get below 4 pixels in either direction....
8 year 2 1730
Setting array variable problem [2]
Kresimir, The SetArrayVariable will expect a 1 dimensional array (i.e. a list of numbers). You are ...
8 year 2 1843
Phidget servo control [8]
Brian, Hmm, we didn't see that crash report. Its possible that RR cannot reach outside your network...
8 year 8 2678
Phidget servo control [2]
Brian, Just to be sure, are you running the 32 bit version of RR or the 64 bit? The phidget drivers...
8 year 8 2678
Phidget servo control [4]
Brian, Not sure if this helps but we updated RR to check for both drivers and report a mismatch if ...
8 year 8 2678
Plastic tube image matching [4]
The line scan camera will do what I mentioned by taking the single (or couple) middle lines of the image (i.e. row or col depend...
8 year 4 1990
Plastic tube image matching [2]
Mousa, There isn't a specialized module that will do what you need. There are two options, you can ...
8 year 4 1990
Failing to set image/get variables [2]
Josh, Can you post what code you are using the SetBitmap function in? I.e. we'd need to know how yo...
8 year 2 1881
Micro Maestro USB Servo Controller [4]
Great to hear you got things working! Thanks for the tip! STeven....
8 year 4 1792
Micro Maestro USB Servo Controller [2]
Check fist using Pololu's own applications that the servo works. That ensures that they didn't just update the protocol without ...
8 year 4 1792
Issues with processing duration and misc questions [3]
With some further testing, it occurred to me to ask if you are keeping the connection open during the loop iteration or are clos...
8 year 3 2143
Issues with processing duration and misc questions [2]
Josh, Q1: Can I assume that you are using the COM object in 32 bit mode? The times in the display a...
8 year 3 2143
Can't change image format [6]
It will attempt to send that file to us in the background so it will open up a connection back to ...
8 year 8 2058
Can't change image format [4]
Seems like you are running the most recent version. There is probably another problem with this particular Jpeg image that the D...
8 year 8 2058
Can't change image format [2]
Alec, The reason is probably due to the DFK drivers. When you use Options->Video->Video Forma...
8 year 8 2058
Shape finding [2]
Erick, See attached. Note, the biggest issue you probably didn't realize is that RR sees white obje...
8 year 4 2005
Read Text From LED [2]
The issue is that the letters are not combined (i.e. each letter's pixels need to be touching). The Population_Threshold does a ...
8 year 2 2343
Matching Alpha Numerics with ASCII [2]
Arnie, Try the attached. Couple fixes: 1. The recognized words expect ...
8 year 2 1864
Matching Alpha Numerics with ASCII [0]
Arnie, Try the attached. Couple fixes: 1. The recognized words expect ...
8 year 2 1864
IP camera for FRC [2]
Chet, I think the best option is the DLink that typically comes with the KOP. Is this no longer inc...
8 year 2 2577

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