Read Text From LED
Rayna from United States  [1 posts]
8 year
Hi STeven,

Please ignore my previous post as I have some progress these days.

- My goal is using OCR module to recognize characters from a 3cm*4cm LED.

- What I did:
   1) Combine with Adaptive_threshold module, I can segment text in white with black background as OCR module required. Unfortunately, OCR still could not read the text from LED. Please see program settings as 'OCR-LED.robo'
   2) To verify if it is because the blobs are connected/merged, I use blob_label module, please see attachment ('blob-lable result') for reference.
   3) Output after adaptive threshold is also attached as 'after threshold'

Please advise. Appreciate it.



Steven Gentner from United States  [273 posts] 8 year
The issue is that the letters are not combined (i.e. each letter's pixels need to be touching). The Population_Threshold does a much better job in the case of pixelated dot fonts.

You will still notice that the OCR does not understand what it is reading ... this is because it does not know about dot fonts (or your specific font). You will need to create such a font by creating many small graphic images (one per letter) that show what the font looks like and train the OCR module to learn these new font characters.




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