33 posts
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Kinect - Skeleton tracking [2]
Hi, Skeleton tracking is one of the main features that Kinect has to offer, and it would be great i...
13 year 2 2631
Feature Request - Nubotics Wheel Commander [2]
Hi, It is my request that an interface to the Nubotics Wheel Commander WC-132 be please introduced....
15 year 4 4411
Feature Request - Nubotics Wheel Commander [5]
STeven, Thank you for interfacing the WC-132. It is great that you give importance to user feedback...
15 year 4 4411
Vision based PID Control [2]
1)   I am thinking about making soccer playing robots. The vision system gives me about 5.5 FPS due to the demanding c...
15 year 6 5153
Vision based PID Control [4]
the robot will have a max speed of 1 feet per second. and to make matters worse, the area is large and ceiling low, there will b...
15 year 6 5153
Bug in Scaling - Wrong aspect ratio [2]
Hi, I have noticed a bug in the scaling. If I choose "maintain aspect ratio" and slide use the up...
15 year 2 3326
Bug in Fiducials [2]
Hi Steven, I wish the fiducials module was available an year ago. it would have saved me a lot of t...
15 year 3 3127
Align two pictures [4]
Hi GD, 1) For now, try Auto Threshold with cluster. Alternately, you can also use Contrast.
15 year 6 12391
Feature Request - Path Planning Variable [5]
STeven, Thank you, you're the best. Robo realm has the best support. I really appreciate it.
15 year 4 3587
Feature Request - Path Planning Variable [3]
15 year 4 3587
Feature Request - Path Planning Variable [2]
Hi, I am using path planning for my robot. And i wanted to request a feature that will be of tremon...
15 year 4 3587
creating tracking GUI/Interface [3]
thats what I do :-) roboticsonline@gmail.com
15 year 3 2509
Effects of CPU/Graphic card on performance [3]
oh, and btw, i am using VISTA...
15 year 3 2763
Effects of CPU/Graphic card on performance [2]
Hi STeven, I am using RoboRealm and my robo file has about 50-60 lines of code. The problem is that...
15 year 3 2763
line following [8]
page 9. whenever the COG is out of the range, the robot should try to bring it at the center. ...
15 year 13 2766
line following [6]
that is case is covered in the tutorials...
15 year 13 2766
line following [3]
here you go :-) this should give you a start...
15 year 13 2766
Measuring angle of a tag in an image [3]
Hi Dan, Use shape matching. Pranav Trehun...
15 year 3 4438
Bug in Path Planning [6]
STeven, I have attached the roborealm file and the image. The blue object is the rob...
15 year 7 3804
Bug in Path Planning [4]
Hi STeven, Thanks for the quick reply. I really appreciate that you put in so much hard work in hel...
15 year 7 3804

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