5045 threads
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Defining areas
Hi All, I have the following issue: I have identified a red sq...
16 year 3 1530
problems with VB.NET
Hi, I'm trying to use RR with visual basic.net and I downloaded the examples in API.zip but it's in VB6...
16 year 3 2068
BUGS!!! in vb.net...
Hi, The following 2 functions in the API example in visual basic are giving errors:
16 year 2 1947
mouse click problem
Hi everyone! I'm trying to make the mouse moving by following a light. And clicking the left button when...
16 year 3 1561
API Documentation
Hello, Trying to interface witht he RR API. The C# example provide works fantastic, however...
16 year 9 2750
how to calculate distance between objects
well my problem is , there r 3 balls of diff colors which are to be put into there respective holes.......so is der any...
16 year 13 3899
Hi Steve, We are stuck up at waypoint declaration here. We dont have a array...
16 year 2 2000
SRV1b Buttons. Turning wrong way!
Hi STeven, I just thought you would like to know that on SRV1b the left and right arrows wo...
16 year 2 1889
The Write Images component!!!
Hi, Is there a way to save the processed image without pressing the START button in the write images compo...
16 year 2 1698
Picture interpretation
I am trying to make a unique picture display that will have 32 clear tubes of water with solenoid valves attached to the...
16 year 4 2082
Real-time Application in RR?
I have a side hobby project involving telerobotics, and would like to have someone point me in the right direction to ge...
16 year 4 1962
wireless usb launcher
is it possible to rewire your webcam to the wireless usb laucher soo u can make the webcam wireless with the usb laucher...
16 year 2 2516
Roborealm stays on
Hi STeven, I noticed that even when I save my .robo files, when I open them up again they a...
16 year 2 4384
HI, im trying to make a touchscreen interface, and i wonder if it is possible to use two cameras to simulate a click whe...
16 year 2 2064
Hello, I have been trying to access the Robo Realm API using Python. When I try to access the variables that have been s...
16 year 1 1799
FT232RL USB to Serial
I used to be able to control the motors with the RoboRealm DE_Sabertooth. Since then 2 things have changed. I changed th...
16 year 10 5844
how to use setarrayvariable
Hi, STeven How can I use the setarrayvariable? Could you pleas...
16 year 1 1839
rr.getVariables("CIRCLES") in JAVA does not work properly
i have tried using roborealm's API with java. if rrAPI.getVariables("CIRCLES") is called...
16 year 8 1774
Error: InitCom()
I'd like to control my RCX. I hav Mindstorms 1.5, so I must use the COM1. I select "COM1" in the Select-Box. When I n...
16 year 5 3474
"Could not initialize on port COM6 speed 38400"
Scott and I are working with the Java API with DE_Sabertooth to turn a motor. For some reason when the API is executed i...
16 year 2 2634

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