Saikumar. from India  [20 posts]
17 year
Hi Steve,

We are stuck up at waypoint declaration here.
We dont have a array of cogs or blobs,we need to make up an array with different variables like z1,z2,  z3,z4..which need to be fed into the way point array...how do i do that??
please reply at the earliest.
please use the second  robo file i ve attached earlier.

Anonymous 17 year

Download the newest version and you should be able to use

ReDim point(4)

point(0) = 100
point(1) = 100
point(2) = 150
point(3) = 200

SetArrayVariable "waypoints", tmp

to create a array of waypoints that can be used in the pathplanning module.

Be sure to overwrite your current install otherwise the new COM objects will not be registered correctly.


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