Authorized RoboRealm Distributors
Endurance R/C
Provides an 8 Servo Controller and the PCTx - a device to control an R/C model or Robot from your Windows PC via the
existing radio system!
Generation Robots
Specialized in programmable robots, Generation Robots is a leading provider of programmable robotics kits, various
sensors, accessories and state of the art softwares for individuals, academics and schools.
RoadNarrows Robotics™ is the primary business of RoadNarrows LLC, a Colorado, U.S.A. based company. RoadNarrows specializes
in high-end robotics for the research and educational markets. They sell and provide technical support for some of the most
popular robotic product lines accepted by the academic community.
The Robot MarketPlace
Your one-stop Robot Shop. Huge selection of radio controlled robot parts (motors, electronics, batteries), as
well as kits, tools, books, toys, videos and more. Build your own
RobotShop is the largest online robotic store that ships worldwide. They have warehouses in United States, Canada and
France. You will find personal robots, robot toys, robot kits and robot parts to build your own robots.
RobotShop provides a diverse product selection, educational and quantity discounts, useful resources
and specialized support.
Sedonia Technologies
Sedonia Technologies Ltd. was founded in January 2006 and takes a
leading role in the New Zealand and Australian electronic and robotics
market, by actively keeping up-to-date with the latest technology. The
company is heavily involved in the latest technology with its R&D
department as well as through its collaboration with its local and
international partners. Sedonia Technologies Ltd aims to
provide the best possible technological solution for their clients in
Australia, New Zealand and abroad.
Society Of Robots
Tutorials on how to build a robot at any skill level with pictures, parts lists, and basic term definitions. Creator and distributor
of the Axon microcontroller.
Trossen Robotics
Trossen Robotics promotes themselves as the first real hardware store for robot developers. They stock
a wide selection of robot kits, parts, modules, controllers, and sensors for the educational
markets and the serious hobbyist. Trossen Robotics has a special focus on PC based robotics
and is also developing an open standard for the community to be released this spring.
Produces OCULUS which is a USB powered, motorized frame system, that incorporates a small laptop, to become a Telerobotic, Remotely Operated Vehicle
Zagros Robotics
Specializes in mobile robots, mobile robot parts, sensors, sonar, and mobile robot platforms. Producer of the popular Max99 robot platforms that
can be used with PC based robots!