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Steven Gentner from United States 7 year
VBscript is a bit different than JScript where the single quotes are NOT understood. Use double quotes to indicate a string as in:

area = GetVariable("AREA")
if area<=1000 then
  SetVariable "Result", "Pass"
elseif area>1000 then
  SetVariable "Result" , "Fail"
end if

When you get an error, its best to spend some time trying to fix it as ignoring it will almost always guarantee failure.

Note, if VBscript isn't your thing, you can also use the Set_Variable module to do something similar. See attached. Note, the VBScript example is DISABLED and just included so you can have a good copy of the above code.

Finally, please include your actual robofile as its very likely other things are wrong elsewhere than just the VBscript part.


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