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Steven Gentner from United States 9 year
You use the same regsvr32 for both. In fact on a 64bit machine you are already running the 64 bit version of regsvr32 unless you specify the  C:\Windows\SysWOW64 folder. That's where the 32 bit version is on a 64 bit machine.

Which one you need actually depends on the program that you are using the COM object in. If you are designing a 64 bit app then you need the 64bit COM object, and if running a 32 bit app then the 32bit is what you want. As a 32 bit program CANNOT load a 64 bit dll you need to ensure that the right COM object is loaded by your app depending on what number of bits you are using. It doesn't directly depend on the machine. This only applies to a 64 bit machine.

As the COM API is socket based, either can communicate to RR which is running as a 32 bit application ... this is because the network streams run independent of this DLL restriction .. but the app you are designing is not.


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