Roborealm API server Anonymous |
18 year
I try to communicate with the RR API server using java and a socket.
The socket connects well but I have a problem to set the Input Stream with the command "new ObjectInputStream"
Can you help me ?
Another question with the API Server : with Telnet i have problems to communicate with RR. I enter the following command in telnet : "open localhost 6060", but it doesn't work.
When i use another program like putty (wich is supposed to be a telnet equivalent), it works very well, and i can communicate with Roborealm.
How can we explain that i can't use Telnet ?
Thanks for your help !
Anonymous |
18 year
I finally managed to make a socket communication with java. So i cancel my first question.
Java API Anonymous |
18 year
We will be releasing the Java version of the API wrapper so you should find an example in the API.zip file within the next week.
Not sure what your issue was with the telnet. We normally use
telnet localhost 6060
from the cmd prompt and it seems to work fine. We also tried entering telnet as you mention and it also seems to work ok.