Tiff Format Issue
18 year

The image files are not going through.  Is there an email I could send samples to.


Anonymous 18 year
Can you send it to temp@roborealm.com Note that this is a temporary account that will be disabled in the next 48 hours.

Tiff Format Issue
18 year


I sent the files to the above address.  Let me know if they do not show up.

Tiff issue fixed
18 year
We got your images. Thanks. That really helped to quickly narrow down the issue. The problem was that the image is quite big (width x height) and RoboRealm was trying to resize it down to a size that it can manage. It wants images to be smaller than 1280 x 960 which is the largest resolution most quickcams can support.

We fixed the issue and have just uploaded a new copy of RoboRealm. Please download again and overwrite your current install. Hopefully that should take care of your issue.

Thanks for help us out on this and let us know if you have any more issues or questions.

Tiff Image Error - Update
18 year

Thank for your fast response.  It does seem to load properly now.  Just one question.  It always gives me an unknown format error when I try to save the file (or any file).  Is there something I need to do with the FreeImage.dll?

Many thanks

Saving Tiff
18 year
Hi Franklin,

We figured out your issue. You need to include an extension when you save the image file. For example using 'pd1.tiff' will work but if you just use 'pd1' it will complain about a format issue. We are adding a fix for this. There was also some residual issues from your past problem that we encountered aswell and will upload fixes for both issues sometime in the next couple of days. Regardless, just adding an extension on your filename will solve your immediate issue.


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