Gab from Malaysia  [1 posts] 4 months
Hello,I am tring to transfer roborealm app from one pc to another,I could't find any example online and I'm afraid I might lose the app since it was setup on the pc by my senior.Could anyone tell me step-by-step instruction how to transfer the app,any help would be apriciated,Thank You
Carl from United States  [6 posts] 4 months
From the FAQ (https://www.roborealm.com/FAQ.php)

How do I move a RoboRealm license?
UnInstall RoboRealm on the old machine while connected to the Internet. Then download the latest version using your original download link (or use a previously downloade3d setup file) and install on the new machine. When you un-install RoboRealm on machines that have an Internet connection this decreases the registration count and allows you to install the license on other machines. If you have accidentally deleted the old machine prior to un-installing RoboRealm just contact us (contact@roborealm.com) and let us know which machine you wish to have the licensed removed from and we can help you out.
Anonymous 3 months
Thanks for the help,it was realy helpful and i was able to transfer the app from one device to another. :)

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