Krzysztof from Poland  [1 posts] 5 months

I've got aproblem with variable refresh.
I'm setting variable named LINE_SCAN through API to 1 or 0.
But it only works if I add Timer module. Without Timer the variable is not refreshing.
But the timer module slows down the process and I can't do calculation in required time.
What is the issue?

Second problem I have with LINE SCANNER module. I setup to maximum pictures to 6 but even when 6 pictures are delivered the scanner doesn't stop it still wait for another picture. Then If I press RESET the scanner shows the last picture.
I deliver pictures externally so It gets only right amount of pictures every time.

Thank you.


Carl from United States  [6 posts] 4 months
For the first question, the RoboRealm pipeline is driven by the image capture source.  For your application, you can force a regular refresh with:

Options->Other (you may need to click the right arrow to reveal that tab.
Change the Min Processing FPS to something like 30 fps.  That is the speed of a typical camera.

You can adjust that up or down as needed.  If you make it too fast, the pipeline will not be able to process any modules before restarting.

For the second question, we are not quite clear what the issue is.  Can you give us some more info, or attach a ,robo file?  Thanks.

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