VBScript floats decimal mark
T from Netherlands  [5 posts]
7 year
Hi there,

I am using Roborealm on two different systems, both English windows 10, but on one of them the decimal marks used in VBScript is a comma instead of a dot. Has anyone encountered this before? I could not find the way to fix this. Both scripts are the same. The decimal marks are also different in the Watch_Variables module.

Does someone know the solution?

Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 7 year

That is ultimately taken from

Windows Button->Control Panel->Region->Advanced Settings

The Decimal Symbol is what RR will use when depicting a floating point number. Can you check that setting to see what its value is? Once changed, restart RR and that should pick up the correct punctuation. (Same goes for Digit Grouping Symbol further down that Dialog).

T from Netherlands  [5 posts] 7 year
Hi Steven,

This worked perfectly. Thank you for the quick reply.


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