RoboRealm Crash
from Malaysia  [14 posts]
7 year
i wanted to change camera module but once i press the option button, the roborealm crashed

i used 2.86.0 version, please fix as soon as posible sir .thanks

Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 7 year
Works fine for us. It might be some particularity with your camera. Did you submit a crash report when restarting RR? We don't see any current crash reports from today.

from Malaysia  [14 posts] 7 year
Yes... I send crash report.. I test three pc today.. But it still same result
Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 7 year

Can you try sending them again? It appears they did not make it through. You may want to check that you can access www.roborealm.com on those machines as that's where the reports are sent.

from Malaysia  [14 posts] 7 year
Did you get? I resend back the report
Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 7 year
Yes, we got them this time.

Seems to have been a minor issue with the Kiosk tab. That has been fixed. Can you re-download  using the same link and install over the current version?

from Malaysia  [14 posts] 7 year
Yes.... It work.

Thanks STeven.


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