Process Images in a folder
Anonymous  [6 posts]
7 year
Is it possible to read and process every single image in a folder and calculate the number of images with a specified blob area (resulted from number of modules) out of all the frames it reads. I tried load image but  images comes into display but are not processed. Any suggestions in this regard?
Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 7 year
Load Images is the right module to use. You have to add modules in order to process the image and save the results somewhere (either using Write Image or Write Variables module). What makes you think that the images are loaded but not processed?

It should function just the same as if you have a static image loaded and add modules to process that. You can simulate this slowly by dragging in images from a folder into the RR GUI one at a time ... that can help to see if your solution is working.


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