Remove shadow of the sample image
Allen Lin from Taiwan  [6 posts]
8 year
Dear sir,

The sample image was taken by a linear scan CCD and it was default  grey scale image , the canyon of the working piece had some shadow due to the height of the  piece.

I try to remove the shadow by the way as attach robo file . The result is effected by the Normalize Color level and can't make sure we get the right distance of the

It there some modules or filters that can remove the shadow but still keep the real edge of the working piece??

The final result should be 4.076mm, scale factor is 1 pix = 0.0035 mm  that was got by  a 3D  coordinate measuring machine .




Steven Gentner from United States  [273 posts] 8 year

Can you post your original unrotated image? The robofile was blank but we are more interested in the raw image.

Also, can you manually label what edge you want to identify? Its not clear from the images which one you are talking about. I think you may just ignore the shadows and instead detect the edge given the presence of the shadow. So that would not require the removal of the shadow but just work around it.

Allen Lin from Taiwan  [6 posts] 8 year
Hi STeven,

Sorry for that. I attached the Robo file  and the original picture. I placed two lines to indicated the edges of the pieces in Robo and  commented as line #1 and line #2.


Allen Lin from Taiwan  [6 posts] 8 year
Hi STeven,

Sorry for that. I attached the Robo file  and the original picture. I placed two lines to indicated the edges of the pieces in Robo and  commented as line #1 and line #2.

The BMP format can't be uploaded and save them as JPEG format.



Allen Lin from Taiwan  [6 posts] 8 year
It is strange it didn't save the content of the Robo on Win10 X64. I use another way to save the file.
Steven Gentner from United States  [273 posts] 8 year

Can you confirm that you uploaded the right image with line#1 and line#2 annotation? I'm not seeing that particular image. It looks like 2 original raw images as apposed to 1 raw and 1 with annotation.

Allen Lin from Taiwan  [6 posts] 8 year
Hi STeven,

I 've embedded those lines in Robo file , and I done a screen  shoot for your reference.

I repacked the Robo with image, that will be easier to see.

I also repacked the org image, so they will keep in BMP format.


Steven Gentner from United States  [273 posts] 8 year

Attached is another way to get those line edges. The result is close but not perfect since it is really sensitive and will probably return a different result on a live image. You may need a higher resolution camera to get the precision that you are looking for.

Note, you will probably need the latest version of RR for the attached robofile to work.




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