Center of Gravity font install error
Bob Simmons from United States  [17 posts]
9 year
I am running RoboRealm 64 bit.  When I insert the Center of Gravity into my pipeline - I get the error "Missing font file verdana_10_outline.gif.  Please check your RoboRealm install!"  It happens if I load from a file as well.  The pipeline runs if loaded manually, but I can't load a file remotely with the API because of the error.  Any ideas?  The file is actually in the "C:\Program Files\RoboRealm\font" directory...  When I installed RoboRealm there was an error I think because my runtime c++ distributable was newer than the install...???
Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 9 year

Go ahead and download the latest version which has a fix for this and the newer vc2010 redistributable file too.


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