Servo control with arduino Uno through roborealm
9 year

I am trying to control a servo with roborealm though the use of an arduino uno controller. I am using the PWM pins to send the signals. I also uploaded the UNO sketch to the arduino board. When I move the sliders from Roborealm to move the servo I get no motion from the servo. However, when I do move the slider the RX light on the Arduino uno boards starts blinking.
Carl from Your Country  [1447 posts] 9 year
Seems like things are working due to the light blinking ... did you connect power to the board to power the servos? I..e do you hear the servos whining?

Otherwise, write a quick sketch for the arduino and check that the servos actually work. Its possible that you have either a bad servo or a bad board or a bad servo power supply.

Naturally, make sure you have the right pins connected!


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