Dino-Lite not starting
Jack from United Kingdom  [1 posts]
9 year
Hi Steve,

I am trying to get a Dino Lite AM4113 TL camera and nothing is opening.
RR recognises the camera but when i try to start it I get an error message saying "1450 lack of resources". I have tried restarting the computer and loading RR before anything else so that i haven't started any software that may be using the camera. Am i missing a driver or something?

Thank you,
Carl from Your Country  [1447 posts] 9 year

I'm not sure what that message means. It would be caused by a lack of memory. Perhaps you can try to reduce the camera image size?

You should also ensure that the camera with its driver works at all. I assume this camera came with some sort of software that shows an image on a PC? Do you know if you downloaded the DirectShow drivers for this camera from the manufacturer's website? Do you see the camera under the Control Panel->Device Manager->Imaging devices? If not, RR will not know about it from a DirectShow point of view. That would indicate that the needed PC drivers are missing.

Its also possible that its just not compatible with VFW or DirectShow. You can also try Amcap (Microsoft's Demo DirectShow application) and see if that can even display the image from the camera. It might be that its driver may just not be correctly implemented. (Not uncommon!)


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