installable versions
AlbertP from Spain  [1 posts]
9 year

I'm using Roborealm in 2 identical robotic cells in two very different locations, the second one being more recent (I've purchased their PC's respective commercial licenses); the main program in each location PC uses roborealm via socket and executes a specific analysis approx each 8 seconds, when there is a new image to process.

The fact is the first location works ok, but in the second one does not.
As a remarcable difference there's the Roborealm Version 2.70.00 vs 2.72.10
Is it possible to retrieve the same old version for the second location ?

Apart from this, when invoking RR with command "C:\...\program.robo -api_port 6060", specifically on that second location, I've seen sometimes the timeout value of 30, and that blocks everything.
Could it be possible to add the timeout value also in the command line (in order to set it to zero), p.ex -api_timeout 0   ?

Thanks in advance
Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 9 year

1. You can always get previous versions by appending


to your download URL.

2. We added a -api_timeout parameter that can be used for what you are asking for. Look for where -api_port is specified and add in the api_timeout.

This is in the most recent version of RR that you would have to download.


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