Face detection and greyscale video
john Douarte from United States  [1 posts]
10 year
Can the face_detection module work with gray scale NSTC video output?
If so, how many shadows of grey? 256 (8-bit) or even less? Thank you.

Carl from Your Country  [1447 posts] 10 year

The face_detection module works with gray images. Even with a color image it will convert it into grayscale prior to processing for performance reasons. 8-bit grayscale is assumed and is what it natively uses. Fewer levels of gray will also work up to a point. While it will become less reliable it does appear to work all the way down to 4 bit grayscale for ideal images.

Note, that for NTSC output you'd need a digitizer device. That will typically output 24 bit color which is the expected output of most webcams. We used NTSC output much more extensively in years past when wireless webcams (known more commonly today as IP cameras) didn't really exist with commodity prices.


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