Object Recognition - Displaying objects
Brad from New Zealand  [2 posts]
10 year
I have the Object Recognition module running with a bunch of trained images, and it is finding the matches OK. I want to replace all the matched items that are currently just green squares and the text name, with the actual image files that were matched, but I have no idea how to do this?

Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 10 year

Are you thinking that the matched image would entirely overlay the matched object (as in you could no longer see the actual object) or just appear as a smaller thumbnail in the same way the text appears?

Brad from New Zealand  [2 posts] 10 year
Hi. Yes, I am hoping to display the picture that was matched, over the top, scaled and rotated to exactly where it matched (currently I have just the green outline). Also the pictures I am matching have some black areas that are being used as a mask with the "Treat Black as Mask" setting, and it would be nice to overlay the images with those black parts transparent. Is this possible?


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