Shape match: Inclusion of Samples
Thomas Wagner from Germany  [51 posts]
10 year
Follow up:

An inclusion of training samples into the RoboRealm Source code (as you can do it for images when you save a script) would be nice, might kae sense for small datasets such as a few digits.

Carl from Your Country  [1447 posts] 10 year

That's a thought we had but with the addition of the relative path saving its just easier to save the robofile in the path and zip up all the files. If the files are combined into the robofile then we'd need a system to extract them back into files in order for folks to modify them. We've kept most of the system dependent on files in the file system since that's the easiest way to manage them rather than us building a custom management system.

If you find that the relative path saving isn't working (i.e. unzipping and just running the file) doesn't correctly bring up all the required paths let us know.

Thomas Wagner from Germany  [51 posts] 10 year
Understood and agreed.

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