Bug in Python 2.x Module Thomas Wagner from Germany [51 posts] |
10 year
if you run the above script, open the Python module and try to pull down the slider on the right hand side (you may have to do that a few times), the program will freeze in a way that you'll have to kill it. Works reproducibly here.
Please let me know if you have enough of my bug reports ;-)
Thomas program.robo
Carl from Your Country [1447 posts] |
10 year
Just to confirm (we're having trouble replicating this) the right slider is the messages box? Or the changed variables?
Also, what OS are you using?
Anonymous |
10 year
it's the bottommost slider, the one at the right hand side of the messages box.
What I do:
* Start Roborealm, load the script
* Run the script
* Open the Python 2.x Module while the script is running
* as soon as I mouse click on the movable part of the slider icon, trying to pull it down, I am no longer able to close the Python 2x window. I have to tab switch to another window and come back. But even then, Roborealm does not behave properly any longer, meaning that I then can close, but not reopen the Python 2x module window.
Works with Win 7, both 32 and 64 bit version, tried two different PCs, works immediately each time.
Carl from Your Country [1447 posts] |
10 year
I think this had to the with the display code overrunning its buffers. Didn't happen until we had your full test file! Sometimes errors get generated in strange ways. Please grab the latest version and see if this problem still exists.
Thomas Wagner from Germany [51 posts] |
10 year
sorry, no confirmation here, bug still exists in the above program and is reproducible.
Carl from Your Country [1447 posts] |
10 year
Ok, we were able to reproduce the error with win8. We run our win7 environments as if they looked like win2000 interfaces to keep things very quick and snappy. Our theory is that the scrolling cannot keep up with the updates when using a richer UI interface. This seemed to be the case since we were not able to reproduce this issue until we turned on all the UI extras.
We've now replaced that interface with a faster version that the Watch Variable also uses. This also had the nice side effect of fixing the horizontal scroll too.
From our tests, the issue appears to have gone. Can you confirm?
Thomas Wagner from Germany [51 posts] |
10 year
Now it works properly, great, thanks!