Setup OpenCV with Windows DLL
Andrei Kolomenski from United States  [1 posts]
10 year

I want to create my own Roborealm module by using a Windows DLL that has dependencies on the OpenCV library. This will allow me to use a C++ developed program that utilizes OpenCV in the Roborealm environment.

I have looked at the Windows DLL 'SwapColor' example, but I'm unsure on how to incorporate other library dependencies into this project. Any advice on how to accomplish this task will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,
Andrei Kolomenski
Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 10 year

That will depend on the compiler that you are using. In visual studio, simply dragging the .lib into the project typically does the job. Naturally, you will have to update all the include and lib directories to also include any OpenCV stuff so that it compiles correctly. Note that the AVM plugin (3rd party developed) also includes a mini OpenCV lib so plugins that use OpenCV are possible.

What part of OpenCV are you looking to utilize in your module?


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