Interfacing via VS-2012
Dave Uland from United States  [1 posts]
10 year
Using Windows 7, with VS-2012.
I have registered the DLL, via the command line as administrator and gotten a successful response.
When I launch the API example from either VB .net, C++.net or cscript I get the cannot create activex error message. Nothing more. I have seen this mentioned on 4-6 year old posts, which must have been vb 2010 or earlier versions. Any known issues with VB 12 on windows 7?

Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 10 year

can you confirm if you are compiling the examples for 32 bit or 64 bit? A 32 bit app cannot load a 64 bit activeX object and vice versa.

For example, you can use


to run a 32 bit console which should allow the cscript to work using

cscript test.vbs

in that console. If this is the case I can point you to a 64 bit version of the DLL which should function better.


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