Tomytha from United Kingdom  [2 posts]
10 year

I am trying to get a video feed into RoboRealm via Raspberry pi and Logitech camera which is configured to MJPG video streaming using IP address and Port number.

I am unsure as to what option to chose. The API server or Ser2Net.

I have tried to use the Ser2Net but installing it on the Raspberry Pi but having difficultes to set the port number, data bits parity etc. I am not able to get much online help on this either since it is too specific.

Your help would be much greatful !

Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 10 year

Not sure exactly why you tried ser2Net as that has more to do with command control rather than video streaming. I assume the Logitech is plugged in the Raspberry PI which then makes it very similar to what you do with the TP-Link router ... which is discussed in depth at


I'd take a look at that and instead use the HTTP Read module in RR along with running mjpg_streamer on the PI.


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