Problems connecting to xbox 360 Kinect
11 year
I am getting an "Unable to find the Microsoft Kinect Camera Sensor!" error when trying to load the Microsoft Kinect module.    I am using an Xbox 360 Kinect with roborealm v2.56.4 on a Windows 7 64 machine.  I have followed the directions here http://www.roborealm.com/help/Microsoft_Kinect.php.   I have tried to disable and remove the kinect drivers and in both instances I get the same error.  I have also restarted however when I do this the PC re-installs the Microsoft Kinect drivers.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Carl from Your Country  [1447 posts] 11 year

Getting rid of the MS kinect drivers in Win7 is quite difficult. Unless you need the raw IR image, I'd remove the usblib stuff, allow the MS Drivers install and then install the OpenNI2 software and use the OpenNI2 module. That seems to keep MS happy and still provide the depth and RGB image from the Kinect. It is also possible that the newer Kinect's will no longer utilize the usblib stuff from our initial release more than a year ago.

Anonymous 11 year

Thanks for the information.  We decided for the time being to just utilize a microsoft life cam.

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