Measuring Objects
DanielC from United States  [6 posts]
17 year
Which is the best way to measure an object in Roborealm.
For example I would like to find the length and width of a rectangular part.
I would imagine a start would be to use an edge finder. Where would I go from there? The idea is to set up an automatic part inspection system and log the data to a text file. The file writing feature in Roborealm is well documented and works very well.
Measuring Objects
17 year

If you can include a sample image that would help us understand what you're trying to do.

To gather statistics from RoboRealm you would first segment you image into a binary black and white image. The white would be your shape whilst black would be your background. Once you have accomplished this you can use the Geometry Statistics module to generate all sorts of stats about the shape. From there you take the stats and write them to a file using the module you mentioned.

The issues are wether you can segment your image into a correct black and white image and if the stats (perhaps BOX_ASPECT_RATIO) you need are in the Geometry module.

If this doesn't solve your project please include an image and we'll see if we can help further.

Measuring Objects
DanielC from United States  [6 posts]
17 year

Thanks for your advise. Your method works.
Attached is a sample of the rectangular part images.


Apiitian from Malaysia  [1 posts] 12 year

This thread is really helpful to me. My sample consists of a few parts. How do I separate the parts? A sample is attached here.


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