Md49 integration and linux
Zipporobotics from Italy  [1 posts]
10 year
I've been using and supporting Roborealm since version 1.

Couple of time I asked for a couple of feauture integration but I received no reply.

I reask here.

Would it be possible to integrate in roborealm the RD03


and this

http://www.phidgets.com/products.php?category=12&product_id=1065_0  with pid motion control and digital position control?

I'm using Ros under Ubuntu would it be glad if roborealm can be supported by this amazing robot operating system.

But first of all would be awesome if you can integrate this two boards...

Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 10 year

As mentioned via email, a test MD49 controller is now present and worth testing. Also for the 1065 have you tried the phidgets motor control module?


It should work with that same device.


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