Support for New LEGO NXT
Angel from Spain  [1 posts]
18 year
I'm interested to control a LEGO NXT with RoboRealm. Do you have plans to support it?

Behind the LEGO link with all technical details of this new kit.

NXT Support
18 year
You can bet that we will support NXT!! Sadly there seems to be a backlog on the ordering of the NXT Lego Mindstorm kit so we're waiting for that package to arrive. Once it arrives we'll be able to test out the new NXT interface and make any needed fixes before release. Hopefully this should all happen in the next month or so. The best way to keep track of that is to subscribe to the 'What's New' RSS feed on the homepage and periodically check what we're releasing. We'll definitely mention the NXT module when its ready.

Thanks for the code link ... I'm sure that will be useful.

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