detection and count of parked car
quentin from France  [2 posts]
11 year
Hello everybody,

I'm pretty new to the RR world and I'm quit lost for my first attempt..

I'm trying to process a fixed picture of parked car in my street, count them and then make a script to warn me if a parking spot becomes empty.

The problem is, considering the diversity of the car parked (color, size), i don't find the solution! I tried a line_profile with to check the color differences all along the parking spot, but it's not really helpful, i also tried shape_matching with the shape of the windshields, it recognizes only 2 of the 5...

So I'm trying here to get your ideas on how I could achieve this !

I put the picture i'm using, the first step would be to count the cars, the second step will be to measure the distance between cars, but this is definitely a second step...

Thanks for the help


Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 11 year

What I would try is to instead detect the presence of the ground instead of a car ... and when you don't see the ground (cobble stones) you then know that something is covering it.

A simple way to do this is to use the sobel edge detector and then sum up the amount of white stuff where a car should be. Since cars are a lot less textured than the ground you should be able to detect that.

If you have trouble, can you post another image with at least one spot empty and we can reply with a robofile that will show how to do this.


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