Can RR run steper motor ? sam from Egypt [11 posts] |
11 year
Hi all,
First of all I would like to thank all people who made this grate softwaer. My qoustin is :
I Use to build cnc macines and I want to use the materals I have such as steppers motor with its drivers and normal brake board connected to the sereal lpt1 port with this program . is that possible ? If yes do i need cods or any additional softwaer? Or I just can set up the RR to control and move the motors thrw the brake board?
Steven Gentner from United States [1446 posts] |
11 year
It might be possible but it will really depend on what hardware you have and how the communication to them works with the PC. Typically we create custom modules for particular hardware devices that remove the protocol difficulties from you. Otherwise, you can try to use the Serial module to communicate to your hardware devices but you will really have to understand what bytes to send and receive in order to do so.
Do you know what protocol your devices use?