New trial version?
videogamer555  [3 posts]
11 year
I have downloaded a previous trial version. It has expired. I would like to download the trial version of the latest version of Roborealm, to try out the new features. Unfortunately I can't download a new version of Roborealm because when I fill out the email address to request a trial, the link I get in my email takes me to a page saying the trial expired. But I haven't gotten to try the new version with the new features. Is there some way for me to download the new trial version?
videogamer555  [3 posts] 11 year
Nevermind. I already figured out how. I just created a new email account and used that to download the new trial version.

However there is one problem. My Norton Antivirus has detected the setup/install file for Roborealm as malware and has removed it.
Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 11 year
Yea, we've tried to get on the whitelist for Norton but that doesn't seem to have done much. It is only a warning and not an actual detection of a virus (its been discussed here in the forum before). The reason it deletes it is that "Not many people have downloaded this application" according to Norton (WS_Reputation warning) and therefore it thinks that you don't want it and deletes it. Unfortunately, there is not much we can do about that.


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