RR + Basic Atom pro 28 + SSC32 Seq.
Cherault from France  [8 posts]
11 year
Dear all,

I have a Lynxmotion T-HEX hexapod 4DoF.
The controler is a Basic Atom pro28 connected to a SSC32 sequencer via a serial connection.
I managed it through a PS2, and i saw on RR that you provide an interface wich represent the same PS2 symbols.

Is RR is able to  manage the hexapod through a webcam or wireless cam directly connected to the Basic Atom ? I mean the cam will drive the robot through specific sequences built within the Basic Atom.

Thanks for your answer and support.


Christophe Herault
Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 11 year

Yes, this is possible but not easy. You'd need to understand what the communication protocol to the Atom is and replicate that using the Serial module. It may be easier to use a regular programming language that can communicate with both RoboRealm and the Atom and rely information between the two.

Cherault from France  [8 posts] 11 year
Hi STeven,

Thanks for your reply.
I will try it, just in case...

One question.
I have RR on a laptop, and i bought few hours ago a new PC.
Is it possible to use one more time the license of RR to install it on my new PC ?

Thanks in advance.

Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 11 year

If you uninstall the one copy and reinstall on the new PC that will work to move the license.


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