New Robots
Kurt Ingleson from United Kingdom  [6 posts]
11 year
Hi there, I wonder if roborealm has any plans to interface to the new Qbo robot ? the platform is awesome and uses ros as a base os. However the image processing and navigation options in roborealm are quite amazing as well and matching the two would be awesome. So any plans to add qbo ?

Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 11 year

We did not have any plans to support the Qbo robot (it seems to have just become available). Due to the cost of one of those platforms, we'd need to get additional interest in such a module before committing to purchasing one of those. We will contact Qbo and see if there is a less expensive route that we can take in order to support that platform.

Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 11 year

We've heard back from Corpora and unfortunately it looks like things will not work out (its just too expensive). Unless we can find an alternative route to provide funding for a test Qbo it is not going to fit within our budget for this year. Sorry!


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