Pierrick from France  [2 posts]
11 year
Hello every body, i have a problem with a variable I use to comunicate with an microcontroller.
In fact I have a microcontroller which send a texte sentence like"hello_world" to Serial Module. I want that serial module put the text in a variable "var"
my problem is that if I change the sentence to send to "message"
the variable "var" is not changed to "message" but : "messagerld" ( the end of hello_world is added to the new sentence.
I would like that new sentence replace the old sentence
Is someone have a idea ?  
Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 11 year

That shouldn't happen (the appending) but based on they way you have configured your robofile that is possible. Can you post your configuration here and we can take a look?


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