Programming Arexx RA-1 Pro With the aid of a camera sensor .
Erdogan from United Kingdom  [1 posts]
12 year

I'm doing a project based on programming Arexx RA-1 Pro (Robot arm) with the aid of a camera sensor. By using the roborealm I programmed the camera sensor to detect the object. But I'm experiencing difficulties when it comes to transferring this information to robot arm so that it moves accordingly and picks up the object. The robot arm seems to be moving randomly. Any help will be appreciated.

Carl from Your Country  [1447 posts] 11 year

If your camera is mounted on the end of the robot arm, that may be the issue. As you try to move the robot arm, the camera will also move which may confuse the last command to the arm. Its best to move the arm in segments (ie detect, move, settle, detect, etc.) otherwise you will have to remove global movements which is tricky.


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