Nino from Philippines  [1 posts]
12 year
Its a bit complicated, it involves analysing an image and finding out where there are some marks. I need to automatically open this file then find out which box is filled in.

Please help me how to fix this.

I read a forum like this program, here is the link http://www.roborealm.com/forum/index.php?thread_id=3336#3

Here below i attached my file that to be automatically find out which box is filled in.
and next is the program which i found from the forum. that is i need to be in my problem. sorry for my bad english.




Carl from Your Country  [1447 posts] 12 year
See if the attached meets your needs. Note, it assumes that the scantron is horizontally aligned as in your image. If not, see if the Orient_Image module fixes that.

Note, you will need the latest version as we found an issue in the Sort Variables module while checking this.

Answers are in an answers variable and also annotated on the scantron itself ... useful for QAing that its working correctly.



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