Installer and License Issues
MaizeBlueGold from Malaysia  [2 posts]
12 year
Dear to whom this may concern, I've bought the single license of $49.95 for personal use. Now, I'm wondering if we can create an installer (i.e. .exe, ...etc) with RoboRealm, or will that only be available with the commercial license? What are the advantages of using the commercial license over the personal license? Thanks.
Carl from Your Country  [1447 posts] 12 year
It will largely depend on how your customer intends to use your application. If you want to resell RoboRealm along with your product, that is the easiest to do. If you want to include RR within your application and have it installed when your's does then you may want to look at a DLL usage instead of the GUI interface .. unless your customers intend to use the GUI.

Perhaps you can use the site contact us form to send us an email with what your application requirements are and how you'd intend to distribute the application and we can best steer you to the right solution.

The commercial license is for when RR is used in a commercial setting (i.e. QA, monitoring, etc. for a business). It differs from the personal version in that is can be better tuned to background usage (i.e. operate in a faceless non-GUI mode).


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