Is Roborealm integrated with ROS?
Paul Bouchier from United States  [1 posts]
11 year
Is there an integration between ROS and Roborealm that allows for example shipping a sensor_msgs/Image message from ROS to Roborealm for analysis, and perhaps shipping a ros message such as Int32Array or similar back? I am familiar with the Roborealm socket API and have used it for VEXPro integration, but am now looking for a more off-the-shelf ROS integration.

I couldn't find much in a search of the forum, tutorials, resources, or the web.

I know ROS is integrated with OpenCV, but that looks like a heavier lift than Roborealm, which is a great, easy-to-use package with lots of examples & tutorials that makes image processing a snap for the non-expert.


Paul Bouchier

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